
Temiskaming & Northern Ontario
Curling Association
General Meeting
Saturday, September 21, 2002

Item 1 - Attendance/Credentials

The Attendance and Credentials of those present was verified and the following representation was confirmed.

Cobalt-Haileybury Represented
Cochrane Not Represented
End-of-Rail Not Represented
Englehart Not Represented
Hearst Not Represented
Horne-Granite Not Represented
Iroquois Falls Represented
Kapuskasing Represented
Kirkland Lake Represented
McIntyre Represented
Smooth Rock Falls Represented
James Bay Represented

A quorum was established.

Secretary Joe reported that there was quorum for the meeting and that in accordance with the Constitution, motions could be passed at this meeting.

Item 2 - President's Remarks

President Dave MacInnes chaired the meeting. Dave welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked those present for attending.

Item 3 - Changes to Constitution re: Quorum at Meetings

Motion: The quorum of any annual or special meeting shall be a representation of the majority of the affiliated clubs of the Association.

Moved By: Joe Gubbels
Seconded: Paul Ashley

Joe explained how the new motion would work. This would result in it being easier to establish a quorum so that decisions can be made at the meetings. A question was asked re: how this change would affect voting on issues that require a 2/3 majority. Joe assured everyone that the 2/3 vote would still be required on certain issues.

Motion Carried.

Item 4 - Minutes of Meeting Held April 20, 2002

The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Saturday, April 20, 2002 in Schumacher were read by Joe Gubbels.

Correction by Tom Armstrong that Zone Chairman for Iroquois Falls is Todd Turner not Mickey Abramson. Correction was noted.

Motion: Motion to accept the discussion report.

Moved By: Paul Ashley
Seconded: Bob Hardy

Motion Carried.

It was noted that Iroquois Falls had applied for and received a $2,000.00 grant to be used for advertising and training. It was also noted that there is money available to all clubs for development of the game.

Item 5 - Correspondence

1. A letter was received from Mark Jones, Cochrane Curling Club, stating their intent not to renew membership in T.&N.O.. (Copy Attached).

After some discussion it was decided that Dave MacInnes to contact Cochrane and Hearst to discuss what the Association can do to help them. He will also make them aware of monies which are available to them. He will also put them in touch with Dan Lamoureux.

Secretary Joe to make every club aware of monies available when he sends minutes out to the clubs.

2. Email received from Laurie Artiss Ltd. Regarding cost of Association crests has increased considerably. 2 1/2 years ago the cost of the crest was $7.50. Today they range from $25.25 to $33.75.

Dave MacInnes suggested we call Workworld and the Embroidery Hoop. Members to check in each of their own municipalities for costs and get back to Joe as soon as possible. Kent MacInnes to check with Goldline. When prices have been obtained it will be decided whether or not to order.

3. Copy of letter sent by the CCA to the Nokia Brier and Scott Tournament of Hearts competitors for information purposes. All teams that participated at the 2002 Nokia Brier will receive $7,000 and each team who competed at the 2002 Scott Tournament of Hearts will receive $3,400.

4. Copy of letter sent by the CCA to the 2001 Canadian Curling Trial Participants for information purposes. Each of the 20 teams participating in The 2001 Canadian Curling Trials will receive $2,870.

5. Letter received from CCA regarding change to the way the Development Funds applications will be handled this year. Applicants are to send forms in triplicate to CCA. A copy will be sent to the respective member association by the CCA.

6. Information received from CCA regarding progress made between the World Curling Players' Association and the CCA. Also Maureen Miller of Yellowknife, NWT has been elected president for the year 2002-03. Don Petlak of High River, Alberta is the vice-president.

7. Letter received from Curl Ontario announcing Linda Corcoran is to be the new Provincial Development Co-ordinator.

8. Email received from Don Bacon of the Saskatchewan Curling Association. He is in the process of developing a survey regarding the Masters and wanted to know if the Associations had any questions they would like to see asked. The 2003 Canadian Open Masters is scheduled for March 19-23, 2003 in Assiniboia, Saskatchewan.

It was noted that we tried a Master's competition before. As the event is not sanctioned by the CCA no monies are available.

The NOCA has sanctioned the concept of the Masters and a team. Joe Gubbels to contact Don for more information.

9. Email received from Don MacLeod announcing the amalgamation of the Men's & Ladies' Associations in the North West. Don is the new president and Colleen Syrja has been appointed Secretary-Treasurer. At present Peter McCallum is the appointed delegate to the CCA. He no longer holds a position in the NWOCA and they feel he should no longer be the delegate and asked for our opinion on this matter. It was noted that each association selects their own delegate. Clyde Opaleychuk replied to the email agreeing but stating it was up the NWOCA.

10. Curl Ontario President Dick Henderson has taken a new job in Germany and has resigned. He will probably be replaced by the Incoming Chair but a new Chair-elect will be needed. Clyde is letting his name stand.

Motion: That we support Clyde.

Moved By: Joe Gubbels
Seconded: Kent MacInnes

Motion Carried.

11. Level 1 Coaching Clinic to be held at the McIntyre - October 19 & 20, 2002. Anyone interested in the taking the course should get registration and cheque into Curl Ontario by October 1, 2002.
Item 6 - Reports

Curl Ontario Meeting

Highlights of the meeting were presented by Joe.

1. Jim Waite would like to start a University Curling Program Curl Ontario says there are no funds available.
2. There was more Government Funding available this year.
3. Bantam Mixed to be held at the Dixie Curling Club in Toronto.
4. Risk Management in Sports. Permission is required from individuals before putting personal information online.

Curl Northern Ontario Meeting

1. Financial position looks good.
2. Changes made to Provincial Playdown manuals and copy to be forwarded.
3. NWOCA Amalgamation has been completed.
4. Confirmation of Provincial Chairs.

Item 7 - Financial Report

Joe went over the Financial Report.
General Account - $2,624.15
Special Account - $ 405.98
Overall Surplus - $3,030.13

Money for sale of rocks has been put into GIC's.

Audited Statement - Balance end of year includes investments

As of the morning of September 21 we have $4,000 in the chequing account. (This is required ar start-up funds for 2003-2003)

Motion: To accept Financial Report

Moved By: Paul Ashley
Seconded: Vic Mitchell

Motion Carried.

Item 8 - Budget for 2002-2003

Joe went over the proposed budget noting that if Cochrane doesn't pay sheet assessment the budget will change.

Motion: To accept the budget.

Moved By: Kent MacInnes
Seconded: Paul Ashley

Motion Carried
Item 9 - Sites & Dates

Joe went over the Sites & Dates for Provincials.

Kapuskasing requested that the Junior Men's date be changed to December 6-8, 2002 so they can be played in conjunction with the Ladies. Hugh Campbell to check if they can both be played at the same time and he will get back to Joe.

Provincial Mixed 2003 - Kapuskasing to host.

Protected Events

Cobalt-Haileybury Blarney Mixed - March 14-16, 2003
Iroquois Falls Mixed - March 28-30, 2003
James Bay
Kapuskasing Nortel Mobility - Open - November 1-3, 2002
Kirkland Lake Men's - March 28 - 30, 2003
McIntyre Hugh Calverly - Open - November 29 - December 1, 2002
Smooth Rock Falls Early Bird - Open - September 27-29, 2002

There is also a Men's Spiel November 28-30 at the Cobalt-Haileybury Club. This spiel is not protected.

Item 10 - Amalgamation

Joe led a discussion on Amalgamation. He noted that it appears to be the way the CCA plans to go in the future as at present non-amalgamated and amalgamated associations pay different sheet assessments.

Joe has created a proposed Amalgamation Agreement. Revisions were made to the agreement after the June meeting with NOCA. Possible name for the new association would be NEOCA.

NOCA has set up a committee of four to meet with the T.&N.O.. Joe suggested we form a committee of our own. Joe suggested Dave and himself along with two others. Dave suggested we appoint Bill Volume and Kent MacInnes. This committee will iron out a tentative agreement and then bring it back to the Association for discussion.

Motion: To appoint Joe, Dave, Bill and Kent to form a committee to represent the T.&N.O. At amalgamation meetings with NOCA.

Moved Bay: Bob Hardy
Seconded: Tom Armstrong

Motion Carried.

Vic Mitchell stated they had previously suggested that Moosonee to realigned into the Timmins Zone as it would be easier for them to travel to Timmins. Zones would probably have to be realigned anyway if amalgamation takes place.
Motion: The Committee proceed with Amalgamation discussions with NOCA.

Moved By: Paul Ashley
Seconded: Vic Mitchell

Motion Carried.

Item 11 - New Business

1. Chair-elect for Curl Ontario. T.&N.O. to support Clyde's bid.

2. Vic Mitchell asked that the different clubs provide him with information regarding how they pay the City rent for their clubs.
McIntyre - rent
Iroquois Falls - rent (not 100% of costs)
Cobalt-Haileybury - pay rent (all inclusive)

3. Bob Hardy said a new set of rocks has been received by Iroquois Falls from Jack (Laframboise) Howard. Any club which doesn't have a Junior program and needs rocks can have the set that has been replaced.

Item 12 - Adjournment

Chairman Dave extended a vote of thanks to Iroquois Falls for hosting the meeting and supplying the lunch. He also thanked everyone again for taking the time to attend. Good luck was extended for the upcoming year.

The Spring meeting to be held in Kirkland Lake.