1. All curling clubs in the Association are assessed on the basis of the number of sheets of ice in their Club. This assessment stucture was changed from a per capita assessment by the General meeting in the Fall of 1998.

  2. The per sheet assessement has been set at $200.00 per sheet. For Clubs with a low membership, this structure has been "grandfathered" for a period of five (5) years, after which time, all Clubs will be assessed at the above rates.

  3. Affiliated clubs shall remit their payments of the per sheet assesment fees to the Association by January 1st of each year.


  1. The following fees are paid by the competitors prior to entering playdowns at the first level of competition.

  2. At Zone level for Tankard, Mixed and Seniors: $160.00 per team

    At Zone level for Juniors: $120.00 per team

    NOTE: If Zone playdowns are not required, the competition fees are to be paid at the Association level of Playdowns.

  3. C.C.A. Competition Fees:

    At the first level of competition, each male player (except in Junior competition) must pay C.C.A. competition fees. These fees are collected by the Club Secretary or Zone Chairman and a completed list of competitors is to be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer at the completion of the Zone playdowns for each event and prior to the start of the Association playdowns. The competion fee is: $30.00 (for all events the competitor wishes to compete in) Junior players (over 19 years of age but not over 20 years of age) who wish to compete in Tankard or Mixed competition, must pay this competition fee and must be registered members of the male section of the Club. Note: Failure to comply with the above will be just cause to disqualify competing teams.

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